meet our team

Senior Leaders
Nick & Sue Pengelly have been senior leaders of The Community Church, Wrexham for over 25 years. During this time they have been on a journey of discovering God’s Father Heart. Both are passionate about seeing people set free and come into their true identities. They have an itinerant ministry speaking throughout the UK and internationally. They minister prophetically and demonstrate the Father Heart of God as they release people into their true identity and destiny. They also serve churches and church leaders.

Leadership Team
Phil and Jodie are passionate about God’s goodness and a have a deep desire to see captives set free and released into their identity.
They love the prophetic and are always pursuing God to develop this gifting. Both love to serve the church family from worship ministry to tidying the building up!
It’s all for His glory.

Leadership Team
Phil and Mary have a pastoral heart, looking to see peoples’ lives
becoming more what God created them to be.
With a focus on developing
an intimate relationship with Father God, they express love and faith
through worship and in serving the local community, working together
with other Christians in town.
Phil is a registered Christian counsellor.

Leadership Team
Paul and Sue love to see the restoration that God brings to people life’s and are always amazed by the goodness, kindness & faithfulness of God. They like to dream of the impossible becoming possible and always encourage people to go after all that God has for them.
Both have a deep longing to see the glory of God.